Tips to Get Outside to Play – Getting Your Kids Outdoors

Outdoor play is so important for kids! My two little boys LOVE to play outside. My toddler is constantly begging to go out and ride his scooter or play in the sandbox with his tractors. However, I know that as children get older it can be challenging to encourage children to play outside. It can also be a challenge for me to be motivated to get out. There are so many things to be done inside our house and it can be so tough to get everyone dressed in appropriate gear for the weather, depending on the time of year. However, there are so many benefits to outdoor activity for kids. The more time you spend outside, the happier and more agreeable you may find your little ones.

What are the benefits to kids playing outdoors?

There are SO MANY benefits for child development for kids when they play outdoors! Playing outdoors is so beneficial to kids’ motor development and overall health. Children who play outside are at a lower risk for obesity. Playing outdoors also promotes imaginative play and creativity. Spending time outside and getting exposure to sunlight is also important for kids’ vitamin D levels. Free play and outdoor adventures are also good for children’s mental health. I cannot overemphasize the importance of outdoor play for children.

How long should kids play outdoors every day?

When I looked online, the results for how long kids should play outdoors varied from two hours to six hours daily! However, I think that answer is very personal and can definitely vary depending on your personal circumstances, your child’s preferences, and the weather outside. Start by setting a goal that feels reasonable for you and your family. You can re-evaluate as needed and slowly increase your family’s time outside over time

Why don’t my kids want to play outside?

Having unlimited access to video games, TV, or social media can be a deterrent for kids to spend time playing outside. Kids that have excessive screen time may be more reluctant to go outside and play. Sometimes it is just easier to put your kids in front of a screen, but I promise that putting in the extra effort to get your kids outside is so beneficial. Additionally, some kids also have less tolerance for heat or cold, bugs, or getting dirty. However, with time and practice you can encourage your kids to find things they enjoy doing outside!

Here are some ways you can encourage your kids to play outside:

Plan outdoor time 

Planning a time to get your kids outdoors makes it way more likely to happen than waiting for spontaneous opportunities. It doesn’t take much time to figure out when you are going to get outdoors that day. I try to plan outdoor time for my boys during times of day when the weather is mild. During the summer that means during the morning or evening. During the winter, it is often more tolerable when it warms up in the afternoon. Planning a time to go outside makes it more likely for me to actually make it happen. It is also means I can prepare my kids for outdoor play time.

Take toys they love indoors to the outdoors

Don’t be afraid to take their favourite indoor toys to the outdoors (unless they are fragile or not easily washable). My little boys love playing with their tractors in the dirt. My baby enjoys toddling up and down the driveway in his little walker. Balls are fun outdoor toys. A small shovel and pail can also provide hours of fun.

Invest in some outdoor play equipment

Having special outdoor toys can make kids more excited to go outside and play! There are many ideas that don’t have to be expensive like sidewalk chalk, scooters, jump ropes, or trucks. If you want to consider investing in your outdoor play equipment, a swing, swing set, or small playset might be a good addition to your backyard.

Go on a walk

Going out on a walk to see the neighborhood can be an exciting change from your backyard. Kids can walk on their own or ride in a stroller or wagon. Point out the sights you see on your walk to your kids. Walks can be a great opportunity to learn. You can practice colors with your littler ones and identifying plants and animals with your older kids.

Go to the park

We don’t go to the local playground super often, so when we do it feels super exciting to my toddler! We will go with friends or he will just make friends with whatever group of kids is there. He would play for hours if I let him. Look online for fun parks in your area if you want to try something new! Consider organizing play dates with other moms with young kids in your area or find a Facebook group of moms in your area. Going to the park is a great way to get that outside play time in. 

Let them get messy

Letting my kids get messy is hard for me. I want them to look clean and pristine as much as possible. However, messy and dirty play is so good for them! I like to remind myself, “It’s a sensory experience”. I try not to make a big deal out of getting messy (within reason). Let your kids make mud pies or play with water balloons.

Plan a nature scavenger hunt

A nature scavenger hunt can be a fun way for the whole family to play outdoors. This is something you can do in your own backyard or around your neighborhood. Scavenger hunts or treasure hunts can be a good idea to help kids discover new things. Encourage them to find different kinds of rocks, leaves, plants, and even small animals. This outside time will also be educational for them!

I hope these tips help you encourage your kids outdoors to play! There are so many benefits of outdoor play. My kids are healthier and happier the more they are able to play outdoors and get some fresh air. 

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