Hello! I’d love to introduce myself.

Hey hey! My name is Asia and I’m a small town Nevada girl who is now a small town Utah girl thanks to my husband. I have two little boys and I love being a stay-at-home mom. When I was a little girl I dreamed about having my own babies and making a home. I started this blog because there is so much negativity on the internet about motherhood and homemaking. I want to be a voice for the joy and fulfillment that is possible through homemaking. I love cooking and look forward to my weekly meal planning every Sunday. I am on a journey to become a minimalist home in hopes of doing less picking up every day. I love being a mom and I want to share some ways to have fun with your kids without being a Pinterest mom. We recently bought our first home and have been doing all the renovations on our own. My values are simplicity and intentionality.
Fun facts about me:
-I love playing the piano and dancing. Lately, I’ve been getting my dancing fix and workouts in through teaching High Fitness classes.
-I have a bachelor’s degree in Health Education and Promotion that I finished while having my two babies!
-My husband and I love hiking and camping together.
I’m just a mom who needs grace figuring things out by your side.